Reconsidering Barnett Newman

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Individual Artists

Reconsidering Barnett Newman Details

Book Description This collection presents the latest scholarship on the art of Barnett Newman, one of the twentieth century’s most inspirational artists. Distinguished participants in the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s recent symposium offer fresh perspectives on Newman’s achievements as a theoretician and innovator, and on his themes, techniques, and significant works. Read more About the Author Melissa Ho is an artist and art historian who assisted in organizing the exhibition Barnett Newman at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 2002. Other contributors to the volume include Mel Bochner, Yve-Alain Bois, B. H. Friedman, Mark Godfrey, Ben Heller, Carol Mancusi-Ungaro, Robert Murray, Suzanne Penn, Sarah K. Rich, Nan Rosenthal, Pierre Schneider, Gabriele Schor, Richard Shiff, and Allan Stone. Read more


Newman has always been the black sheep of the American abstract artists, big on theory, but not as popular or well known as Pollack or Rothko, in fact somewhat obscure. That his Black Fire I sold for $84.2 million at Christie's contemporary art sale recently forces us to rethink his role in the development of this art form and recognize him as an inspiring force. This book is certainly topical. It is very well written, at times biographical but mostly analytical, a collection of eleven essays that are easy, even fun to read. It is a shame that all the illustrations are black and white, but for the price the book is a bargain. Highly recommended.

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